David Caulfield


Total post views: 178308

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May 2024 Kill It 0 755
Apr 2024 Learning+dev Mastery: 4. Design the backlog 0 1020
Mar 2024 Learning+dev Mastery: 3. Stakeholder Engagement 0 1453
Mar 2024 Learning+dev Mastery: 2. Strategise 0 1110
Mar 2024 Learning+dev Mastery: 1. Understand the Business Objectives 2 922
Feb 2024 A Path to Learning+dev Mastery 0 1289
Jan 2024 ChatGPT for Learning and Development Management 0 1762
Dec 2023 Everything should have a timeline 10 2634
Oct 2023 What do leaders do? Communicate. 0 2209
Oct 2023 Celebrating Wins 0 1834
Sep 2023 Learning and Development Theatre 0 2320
Aug 2023 How to Develop a Learning and Development Vision 2 4270
Jun 2023 How to Participate in a Retro 4 2495
Jun 2023 3 More Onboarding Antipatterns 1 3540
Jun 2023 Onboarding Antipatterns 8975 52969
Jun 2023 Beyond Root Cause Analysis 1 2546
May 2023 Don't know what to focus on? Develop a vision 2 2653
May 2023 Turning up the Good 0 2043
Feb 2023 Asking HN Their Favourite Lecture Series 0 2199
Feb 2023 Learning Lab: Case Method 1 2899
Feb 2023 Lost Communication Moments in Remote Working 0 2438
Jan 2023 Remote Mob-programming toolkit 0 2252
Jan 2023 Questions for teams' retros 6 2779
Jan 2023 List of Software Definitions + Phrases 0 2202
Jan 2023 Knowing chess rules does not make me a grandmaster 3 2981
Dec 2022 A Checklist to Onboard to a New Project 2 2307
Oct 2022 What the heck is a 'Learning Culture'? 0 2093
Sep 2022 L&D Toolkit: Learning Clusters 2 2684
Mar 2022 Scrum Scenario #2: #NoStandups 0 2466
Mar 2022 Scrum Scenario #1: Where is the Product Owner? 0 2396
Feb 2022 Retrospectives: The Fuel to Continuous Improvement 0 2529
Jan 2022 A Template for Effective Retros 1 2123
Sep 2021 Lessons From a Tricky Performance Bug 0 2336
Sep 2021 Save Your Team 100s of Hours 3 2385
Jul 2021 Learn Lots of Tools 2 2613
Jun 2021 Why Write? 0 2224
Sep 2020 A Framework to Manage Team Bugs 0 2716
Aug 2020 Transferring a Software Project - Lessons Learned 0 2670
Aug 2020 Techniques for Difficult Team Members 0 2560
Jul 2020 Highly Productive Retros 0 2855
Jul 2020 Protect Your Team from Weekend Work 0 2146
Jul 2020 Team Leader Anti-Patterns 1 2735
Jul 2020 Team Improvement Techniques 1 4392
Apr 2019 Leading Within Your Team 0 2787
Dec 2018 Extreme Product Ownership 0 3222
Dec 2018 Listen Effectively 0 2494
Nov 2018 Write Better Examples 0 2402
May 2018 Install Ansible on Windows Using Cygwin 22 7141
Jan 2018 6 Simple Ways to Create Clean Code 0 2998
Nov 2017 How to Install Codeigniter HMVC 27 5130